Fritos Pie:
Stories, Recipes,
and More

by Kaleta Doolin

A new book that tells the never-before-told story of the Frito Company written by the daughter of the company’s founder, C.E. Doolin.

Filled with more than 150 vintage and newly created recipes, as well as personal anecdotes and stories, this book recounts the company’s early days, the 1961 merger that created Frito-Lay, Inc., and beyond.

Download an Excerpt

This excerpt examines how the social changes of post-war 1940's America helped facilitate the birth of one of the country's most successful brands, and includes some of Kaleta’s favorite recipes.

Click here to download a .pdf which you can read on your iPad or simply viewed on your computer.

Buy Now

Fritos Pie is available now at your favorite retailer, or online from Amazon.